When site is being kicked –off, the site becomes the responsibility of Civil Works. And the period between Kick-off and RFI becomes very crucial for maintaining overall project speed because during this time only one department (i.e. Civil Works) is working on site. For the telecom rollout projects, this period normally becomes among major bottlenecks, if not handled or planned properly. And the sales and management team has to be thoroughly worked out this period and need to identify for any manageable (contract negotiation/finalization of subcontractors, Sub-con preparedness and their relative brainstorming and trainings in order to be synchronized with targets etc.) and unmanageable constraints (like offshore supplies of masts or generators etc., shortage of construction material etc in market), before finalizing and sharing targets and deadlines with customers.
The first thing after kick-off a civil subcontractor has to do is to mark boundaries of site, and clear or demolish (if required) the things within parameters.